domingo, 17 de julio de 2011


Well, all good things come to an end...and although we finished two days ago, here's the revision of the things we did.

1- GLOGS: Create an account, create a new glog. Look at the side bar, there are different things you can add to your poster. Choose a new background "WALL" and "USE IT". Choose a text bubble and "USE IT", then you can EDIT it and add some text. As for image,video and audio files, you can :
a- Upload them by browsing from your own files.
b- Add a link (URL).
c- Add a PLAYER if it is an audio file.

 Choose the number of Rows and Columns for your table. Then choose its width and alignement. Cellpadding, Cellspacing and Border can be left empty or write a 0 in those blanks, depending if you want to see the lines of the table or not.
Then generate your table, copy the HTML code and paste it in your blog.
You can use tables to write the names of your students, add links to those names, insert images in cells....

I hope this summer course has been really helpful. Remember, the sky is the limit!!!

Thanks to everyone and have a "bloggy" holidays!!!

Vicky Leal

viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

jueves, 14 de julio de 2011


For those who couldn't come today, we didn't learn anything new in class. Instead, we decided to explore and consolidate  a little bit more the things we learnt especially yesterday ( Slideshare, Scribd, Issuu) and the previous days.
As it seems some of our partners have had problems using Overstream to subtitle videoclips, one of our colleagues suggested using DOTSUB instead. 
Please, visit your partners' blogs and have a look at the interesting things they're doing. It's really worth it!!!
  • Remember you have their names and the URL of their blogs in a shared document, in your gmail account.
Happy blogging!!!

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011


Let's have a look at the things we did this morning..

1- Cut videoclips using SAFESHARE. ( Copy and paste the video URL from Youtube, CUSTOMIZE by clicking on FULL,choose where to start and where to stop, then UPDATE  and finally  TAKE ME TO THE SAFE VIEW. Then click on SHARE and click on the BLOGGER POST icon).

The link will appear in a new post in your blog.
  • Remember that you can copy the link and post it in a different page or link it to an image.
2- Subtitle a videoclip using OVERSTREAM ( Click on CREATE, paste the video URL)

URL of the page!!!

Use these buttons on your left to ADD a subtitle, specifying the time when to start and when to end. Click on ADD every time you want to add a new sentence.Make sure the time spans you use for every line don't overlap. 

3- Embed a powerpoint presentation using SLIDESHARE.
(Upload a powerpoint file.Click on the EMBED button. Copy the HTML code and I think that you should know by now what to do with this...) 

4- Embed a document ( Same as a powerpoint. Upload.....)

A trip to London

countable and uncountable

Powerpoint presentation

Students' blogs

Marta Soldevila

[Video] Beyoncé - Year of 4

[Video] Beyoncé - Year of 4

[Video] David Guetta - Little Bad Girl (Official Lyric Video)

[Video] David Guetta - Little Bad Girl (Official Lyric Video)

martes, 12 de julio de 2011


we have been struggling in order to finally be able to do the following things...

1- Add a new page to our blog ( Nueva entrada, editar páginas, crear página).
  • Remember you can only have ONE post in this page and whenever you want to add a new thing you need to "Edit" this post.

2- Embed  images using:

a- An image file I previously have or save from any webpage  ( Click on the image using the right button and then "Guardar imagen como") 

b- The image URL ( Click on the image using the right button and "Copiar la ruta de la imagen").

c- The image HTML code (In pages like FLICKR, click on "Mas formas para compartir" and then "Obtener el código HTML").


  • Remember you can chage their size or position if you click on the image, add a caption...
  • You can also change their "width" and "height" changing those parameter in their HTML code.

 3- Embed videoclips using:

a- A video file I previously have or save from any webpage
eg. Youtube

b- The video URL.
c- The video HTML code (you can change width and height as well).


HTML code

 4- Embed MP3 files using Goear and eSnips:

a-  A file you have or download from any webpage
b-  Its URL
c-  Its HTML code 


HTML code 

My video clips

lunes, 11 de julio de 2011


What have we learnt so far?

1- We need a gmail account ( username & password should be easy to remember).
2- Create your own blog at Blogger 
(Follow the instructions.You'll need to sign up. Your gmail adress and a password will be required).

3- Change background, size, font type & colour, add gadgets....remember, the sky is the limit!!!
( Disseny de plantilla, disseny avançat).

Imatge 1
Imatge 2

 4- Decide who can edit or read your blog)
 (Configuració, permisos...).

5- Post a message. Allow (or not) other people to write a  comment (Nova entrada,opcions d'entrada).

6- Embed an image from your personal files or using its URL.
(Icona "inserta imagen"). Click on the image and you'll be    able to change its size and position or add a caption for the image.

7- You can find lots of free images in different places like MEC or Flickr (CC-Creative Commons)

8- Now,start practising and... good luck!!

New York

New York is the most fascinating city in the world because.....

New York

domingo, 10 de julio de 2011


To begin with....
Let's read what teachers and other experts think.

click here

And to cap it all...
Let's see what students think about using ICT in classroom.