martes, 12 de julio de 2011


we have been struggling in order to finally be able to do the following things...

1- Add a new page to our blog ( Nueva entrada, editar páginas, crear página).
  • Remember you can only have ONE post in this page and whenever you want to add a new thing you need to "Edit" this post.

2- Embed  images using:

a- An image file I previously have or save from any webpage  ( Click on the image using the right button and then "Guardar imagen como") 

b- The image URL ( Click on the image using the right button and "Copiar la ruta de la imagen").

c- The image HTML code (In pages like FLICKR, click on "Mas formas para compartir" and then "Obtener el código HTML").


  • Remember you can chage their size or position if you click on the image, add a caption...
  • You can also change their "width" and "height" changing those parameter in their HTML code.

 3- Embed videoclips using:

a- A video file I previously have or save from any webpage
eg. Youtube

b- The video URL.
c- The video HTML code (you can change width and height as well).


HTML code

 4- Embed MP3 files using Goear and eSnips:

a-  A file you have or download from any webpage
b-  Its URL
c-  Its HTML code 


HTML code 

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